Friday, July 10, 2009

Swinging Like Monkeys

We recently bought Anna and Eli a new swing set. After searching all over town for one, we ended up discovering no one has them - they all have to be ordered online. So, after a few weeks wait, we finally got it this week.

This is Anna waiting on her swing set.

We knew it would be quite the task to put it together, but I'm not sure I was expecting it to take as long as it did. It was delivered at 9:30 AM and by the time we got it hauled to the back, sorted and inventoried, it was about 10:45 when we got started actually putting it together.

Here are the kids riding in the back of the truck, hauling their new swing set. They thought they were big stuff.


All the parts....

Gradually making progress

More progress


I think it turned out great!

See their little picnic table? And the square underneath will soon be a sandbox.

Anna exploring her new Fort

I told you they love it!

Sweaty Eli

And for all of you who are curious - it took right at 10 hours to complete it. We got done around 8:30 PM that night. Quite the job - but it was well worth it to see their happiness!

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