Saturday, July 18, 2009

4th of July... a little late

This past 4th of July was probably one of my favorites. The kids are getting old enough to really enjoy stuff and to be little helpers. Our church always tries to do some type of outreach ministry during the 4th since we're directly next door to where the fireworks show is. This year we passed out trinkets and information about our upcoming (now passed) VBS. Mark usually volunteers to help, but this year, we all went. The kids helped unwrap the trinkets and put them on the pieces of paper. Eli was our designated trash-thrower-awayer. People included them and allowed them to help, for which I am very grateful. I like teaching them to serve and hope that even at the ages of 2 and 3 that they begin learning that serving is part of being a Christian. So, I was very thankful for those who kept them interested and a part of all that was going on. Anna even went with Mark to pass things out. She had a good time.
Anna waiting on it to get dark so the fireworks can start.

Eli enjoying playing in Daddy's truck

"Don't touch me!"

Anyone else think he looks like a giant here??

Me and my hubby

They should enter a look-a-like contest.... they'd win.

"You don't need that eye, do you Daddy?"

Daddy's girl

Mommy's Boy



Anna and Heidi watching the show

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