Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2 yr. check up

Eli went for his 2 year check up yesterday. He weighed in at 31 lbs. 12 oz. and is 35 1/2" long. They say that if you measure them on their 2nd birthday, then double it, that that's how tall they'll end up being. So, he'll be around 6" tall. We did that with Anna and it put her at 5'11". Looks like we're going to have some tall kiddos. I really hope Anna isn't that tall - poor her trying to find a guy taller than her. Haha.

Eli got a good report all around. The doctor said he's often hard pressed to not be able to find something a kid needs to improve on but that Eli is exceptional - that his height and weight are very proportional, that he's well behaved, and that he's right on target developmentally. He said that Eli is one of the best 2 yr. olds he's ever seen. He just hasn't seem him throw one of his tantrums yet....

And to be fair, Anna always gets good reports too. Before Dr. Nikki moved, she told us that Anna and Eli were her favorite patients. They're both quite cooperative with the doctors - which is really odd, but also quite a relief.

I love that they're growing and that they're happy and healthy. I couldn't ask for anything more.... well, maybe less tantrums, but isn't that expected with toddlers??


Karen Beaver said...

So glad Eli & Anna are doing so well. A reflextion of parents who love the Lord and each other. Enjoy the pictures all the time.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy all of the pics of your lil ones. They are growing up so fast!

Amanda Bishop