Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh the Freedom... kind of

On the 4th, we decided to promote Eli to a toddler bed. Really all we did was take the front part of the crib off, but nonetheless, he's in a big boy bed now. *sigh*

I'm sure he was initially thinking, "Oh the freedom of a toddler bed! I can get in when I want, out when I want, avoid nap times, and rock in the rocking chair so rapidly it hits the walls and wakes Mom and Dad up." I'm certain his thinking has likely changed in the past 11 days. Something more like "Man, when Mom says it's nap time, she really means it. Maybe getting out of bed to play isn't such a good idea." As evidenced by him running and jumping back in bed as soon as the door opens... all the while with his sheepish little grin of knowing he wasn't supposed to be out of bed in the first place. He's quite the little ham and is growing into a little boy with a huge personality.... one that likes to get into lots and lots of things he's not supposed to. He was sent to his room for the first time this morning for touching Mommy's snowmen and breaking one of them. After a minute of being in his room, I got him out, told him Mommy loved him but touching the tree and the snowmen were no no's and that he had to be a good listener - To which Anna replied "You hava be a whistener (listener). No touch a snowman. It a bad boy."

Back to the toddler bed. Here are a few pictures from his first adventures in his big boy bed.

Getting in for the first time.

A Little Unsure

Waking up the next morning

And a pic from last night. Isn't he a cutie!?

This is a video of him waking up after his first night of sleeping in his toddler bed.

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