Monday, December 15, 2008

Anna's 1st Christmas Play

After weeks of practice, Anna participated in her first Christmas Musical/Play last night. Let me just say, I had my reservations.... Reservations that a 2 year old would/could sit still without totally disrupting the performance. And after the way she behaved in several of the practices, I think my reservations were warranted. But she did it - and she did GREAT! I think all she needed was an audience. She stayed up there the entire time, sang a little bit, and even held her sign at the end. We were so proud of her. Here are some pictures from the play along with two videos..

Before the play

During the play

Her participating during "Mighty God"... at the end anyway.

She's squatting down on the floor, waiting to hold her sign.
Note the # of kids then compare it to how many are left in the video.

She was so excited!

After the play.

A true Daddy's Girl


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and Anna's shirt. I bet the play was great! I couldn't find a video?

Have a Merry Christmas!

Dwain & Karen Beaver

Phoebe said...

The 4th and 8th "pictures" are vidoes. There should be an arrow in the middle of it. Just click on it and it'll play the video.