Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I've previously posted about how much Anna watches me throughout the day. Instead of saying Monkey See, Monkey Do I might as well Anna see, Anna do. It's quite amazing to watch her and notice just how much time she must actually spend in observing what I do throughout the day. Here are some of her latest attempts at replicating things I do.

Can you tell we're working on potty training?


The next 3 pictures have to do with Eli having Eczema. As a result, I periodically put lotion on his head to treat it and keep it from worsening.

This is about 1/2 tube of Aveeno lotion on top of his head.

Not exactly the cheapest stuff in the world....

Clearly she used way too much!

Of course, he doesn't seem to care.


She's obviously seen me do this a few times.

This is just another one of her baby dolls that she did this to.

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