Friday, September 07, 2007

Anna's First Haircut

Mark and I decided it was time to get Anna's hair cut for the first time. Due to her hair falling out when she was a baby and how it grew back out, she's been sporting a mullet look that just wasn't working for her. :) We thought that by trimming and evening it up, it would not only look better but begin to grow thicker and longer.

It was really jagged in the front.
Clearly, the back was much longer than the
front, hence the mullet comparison.

Her sitting on the pony waiting patiently.

Keith working his magic.

Anna enjoying a sucker to keep her
occupied and still.


This is the only pic I've gotten so far since we
got it cut. I'll have to add more later.
But it looks a lot better.
Her 1st Hair cut certificate.

Her locks of hair.


Anonymous said...

Well I wont lie the first hair cuts don't always turn out good but I have to say Anna is cute it makes her look a little more grown up though????

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures! First Hair cut takes me back to when our girls got their first hair cuts - Kids do grow up so fast!