Friday, September 07, 2007

Labor Day Fun

Mark and I decided to go home for Labor Day and visit with our families. Here are a few pictures from this weekend.

Eli (aka Buddha) the night before we left.
Him smiling at me after coaxing me into the back
of the moving van by crying like he was hungry
(then not eating). It was worth it.
Sweet Baby Eli
Anna napping on the way down there.
Her sidekick "Giraffe" at her side, as always.
What's so funny?
Anna and Papa on the 4-wheeler... and "Giraffe".
Anna driving Topanga's Barbie Jeep.
Doesn't she look like such a big girl?
Haha! Eli sporting his Speedo hat.
Howdy partner.

Anna playing in the water at Topanga's 5th
birthday party. We failed to bring her swim suit.

Her first time in the "big girl" swing.

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