Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Happy (late) Birthday, Daddy

Mark's birthday was a few days ago and to celebrate we went to the zoo (they were opening a new exhibit) and then went out to eat. The next day, we went bowling and spent the day together. We had a lot of fun. Here are a few of our pictures from the zoo (yeah, we go a lot. But that's the benefit of having a family membership!). And Happy Birthday, Daddy. We love you!

They love their sunglasses!

Part of the new exhibit - baby grizzly bears

Bear Patrol

They found the geyser amusing

This sea lion was too cool! Anna interacted with her for quite awhile. She'd follow "cues" she gave her with her sunglasses. She soon had a crowd gather around. See the video below.

Waiting to watch the Giraffe Feeding

A stroll through the park

1 comment:

Kathleen Velek-Lawson said...

The baby bears are SO cute!! And your kids are too, of course!