Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Fall = County Fair and College Football

A couple weeks ago my sister came up to visit and we all went to the fair and to a college football game, where we met up with one of my best buds and her boyfriend. We had tons of fun. The kids loved the fair. The game.... not so much. They got antsy after about the first 30 minutes. But they still did pretty well. Here are some pics from that weekend.

"What are you looking at?"

He really didn't know what to think of the rides.

This was more his cup of tea.

Aunt Sarah

They loved being fed and my kids loved feeding them!

"Only you can prevent forest fires."

"I don't know about this, Mom"

"Let me off, let me off!!!" - and they did!

Loved it.... ahem, he did, that is....

And her too!

Michael Jackson's Ferris Wheel


During the National Anthem

Holding on!

Kathleen and Brian

Kathleen and myself

The fam - minus Eli

1 comment:

Kathleen Velek-Lawson said...

Yay! I made your blog!!

Great pics of the fair as well!