Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Little Miss Preschool

I can hardly believe the time has come. Anna is now a pre-schooler. She went to her first day yesterday and loved it. She walked in like she'd done it 1000 times already and never looked back. She said she only got in trouble once for not laying down when told to do so. Her teacher told me she's very social and talked so much she didn't have time to eat very much of her lunch. Sounds like my Anna! Here are a few pictures of her first day of preschool.

Waiting for the doors to be unlocked.

Her "name plate" where her belongings go

Giving Eli bye bye hugs.


jenny leigh said...

Such a sweet little girl! - the bye hugs - awwwww

Elizabeth said...

I LOVE that her hairbow, shirt, backpack and lunch tote all match!