Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Fun - The Creepy Bug Edition

I think it's a pretty fair assessment to say that Anna and Eli absolutely love their new swing set. And I love it too. I finally have something constructive for them to do besides run around the back yard. They love being outside and it not only gives them a chance to play, but also to get some exercise.

Before I get to the creepy bug part, here are a few pictures (ahem....more pictures) of them enjoying their swing set.

They love each other!

And my favorite!!!!

My precious Anna

Beautiful even with crazy hair and a scratch on her nose.


Now for the scary bug part. While playing in their swing set, Anna began screaming at the top of her lungs and was pretty hysterical. She started screaming "There's a spider! There's a spider! Mommy, there's a SPIDER!!!!!!!" So, I walked over there. And said "Where? I don't see a spider." This is what I got.

The ever so popular locust shell

I tried to explain to her that it wasn't a spider and that in fact, it wasn't even a bug. It was just a shell. She wasn't buying it.

Careful observation

Making sure I see it.

Eli, on the other hand, LOVED it. He had no reservations whatsoever. He saw it and immediately went for it.

Loving the mud on his nose..... such a boy

"Look, Mom!"

Eli then proceeded to taunt his sister, jeering towards her with the shell and laughing hysterically when she screamed in terror. I, of course, being the sensitive mom that I am, died laughing too. He's such a boy.

They found a second one.

Can't you just see the excitement all over his face??! I love it!

She finally decided to hold it, but was still really hesitant.

And lastly, her showing off her incredibly large leaf she found.

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