Monday, June 02, 2008


While Mark's parents and niece were here to visit, we attempted to get a picture of all 3 of the grandchildren on that side. Attempting this with a 5 year old, 2 year old, and an 11 mo. old was no easy task. Here are the outtakes from our venture and one semi-decent picture.

Not a happy camper.
Anna about to bite Topanga.



The only one of Eli not crying and the other two sitting remotely still.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! I had so much fun looking at these pictures! Your little man was NOT happy. I just laughed and laughed. It made my day. I can see why you said that was not so easy! Funny, Funny, Funny!!

Anonymous said...

These pictures had me laughing so hard that I shed a few tears. I know Eli is obviously feeling a bit miserable but he looks just so freaking cute!