Sunday, May 18, 2008

Puggles/Elevate Awards Ceremony

Tonight was the Awana/Elevate Awards Ceremony. The Puggles got to join in midway (short attention spans) to receive their participation awards. Mark was finishing up the last part of the Treasure Quest series. Isn't he an Indiana Jones look-alike...

Now, on to pictures of the actual awards part.

Here is a picture of Eli getting his award. Sorry, it's a bit dark.

And a picture of Anna getting hers.

Anna showing it off afterwards.

Eli demolishing his afterwards.

Trying to escape from all the pictures.


Too Cute.

And one of him actually displaying his certificate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sending out the Puggles awards pictures. I am so excited that the kids enjoy the class.
What a little girl that Anna has grown into! Seems like just last week she was the baby! Eli is looking pretty hansome too!
Hope everyone is well