Sunday, November 11, 2007

Playing Catch-Up

As always, it seems I'm behind on staying current with the updates. Instead of doing separate posts, I'll just post all the pics in this one post and explain underneath them.

As for info: Both kids have been sick. Eli just has a cold, but Anna has Croup. She weighs 27 lbs and is almost 35" tall. Eli weighs 19 lbs. 11 oz. and is 25 1/2" tall. They keep me busy and running ragged on most days. Despite being worn out at the end of the day, merely looking at them reminds me how much of a blessing they truly are.

Hunting Buddy - In honor of this being opening weekend of deer season.

All bundled up at the yard sale.

After church one Sunday.

Anna doing the cake walk at the Fall Festival.

"Fishing" for some treasure.

Mmm, Candy!

Hey there!

Anna and her buddy, Kaitlyn.

"Go Indians!" - Although we won't be able to say that much longer.

Disregard the fact he's wearing a basketball outfit at a football game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Phoebe...It's Michele. Just wanted you to know that the last pic of Eli looks just like you:) Those are some cute pics of your kiddos!