Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Buddy

Anyone who was born in the 80's or had kids in the 80's remembers the My Buddy dolls. Come on now, sing it with me, "My Buddy, My Buddy, My Buddy and Me!"

Anna has recently realized Eli can be her new buddy. She's really taken up with him in the past few weeks. Here are a few pictures of her taking care of her new 'buddy'.

Note: Please disregard what she's wearing... we wear play clothes when we're at home all day. After months of Spray 'N Wash and sore knuckles, I discovered play clothes are my new best friend.

This is her giving him a hug and kiss.

This is Anna trying to either button or unbutton Eli's sleeper.

She's learned how to do it on her sleepers, but not yet on his.

This is Anna brushing his hair.

Look closely and you'll see Anna making her fish face.

The following is two videos. One is of Anna trying to pull Eli in his bouncy seat and later wiping his mouth off, and then getting Tupperware bowls out of the cabinets. The other one is of her trying to brush his hair.

1 comment:

Anita said...

you're so funny about anna clothes. are you finding out that now that you have more than one child, you're just thankful that they're not still in their pajamas at dinner time!

i love anna's room too. beautiful!!