Saturday, May 19, 2007

Updates, Updates, Updates

Over the past several weeks, Anna has learned many new things. She can now climb stairs, crawl in and out of her bed (both a blessing and a burden), say "baby", "flower", "book", "bye bye", and a slew of other words, she can roar like a bear, hiss like a snake, and moo like a cow. She also now has her 7th tooth. I'm truly amazed at just how much she's picking up on and learning. It's so fascinating to watch her grow and develop.

Above is a picture I took a few weeks back. We really liked it and thought we'd share it with you.

As many of you may know, I have been babysitting a 16 week old boy for the past month or two. It has been quite a learning experience for both me and Anna. She's had to get used to momma holding another baby and that's been hard on her. Fortunately, she's come to like the baby and now gives him kisses. Below is a picture of her doing so.

Eli is also doing well. He's growing, which is obvious by the size of my stomach, which I now like to refer to as its own entity (ie. "the belly"). He's measuring right on track and had a heartbeat of 162 bpm at our last appointment. He's now head down and I think he has dropped significantly. At our next appointment, we're supposed to be able to choose the delivery date. We're hoping for June 20th, so hopefully that day will be available. I can't believe we only have 4 1/2 more weeks left. The time has really flown by.

His and Anna's rooms are both done, so be looking for more pictures in the near future.

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