Mark's 'task' has been to choose the kids' first stuffed animal. Mine has been to choose their song. As many of you may or may not know, the ability to have children was very questionable for us. We tried for 16 months before and right after I graduated with my first degree. Thinking it wasn't possible, I decided to go to graduate school and in my last year got pregnant on birth control! God is truly amazing! He knew how badly we wanted children and was faithful to give us Anna (and now Eli). So, the song I chose for Anna was "Great is Thy Faithfulness". While I still sing many songs to her, she has come to recognize this one in particular. I always want her to know that God truly is faithful and merciful and that prayers really are answered.
It took me a bit longer to choose a song for Eli, but I think his is quite appropriate as well. After finding out that he only has one artery in his umbilical cord and all the potential risks associated with that, I have chosen "'Til the Storm Passes By". Part of the first verse goes "Precious Lord, hear my cry, Keep me safe, 'til the storm passes by." It is our hope and prayer that Eli will be born healthy and that God will in fact keep him safe.
While I know that not everyone is musically inclined, this is truly a great idea to give a try. I'd love to hear other ideas that you may have used with your children, so feel free to send them our way.
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