Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Anna + Scizzors = New "Do

Isn't it every parents nightmare to discover that their child (particularly when it's a girl) has decided it'd be fun to cut their own hair? I know this was the case for me. After talking with Anna about going to get her hair trimmed the next day, I guess she thought she'd take matters into her own hands.

Lesson #1: NEVER ever tell your child about an upcoming hair cut.

Lesson #2: Don't leave scissors in the bathroom - even little cosmetic ones: they cut hair too.

Little Stinker couldn't have been more proud of herself...


Lesson #3: It's just hair. It'll grow.

Lesson #4: She's beautiful regardless of what her hair looks like.

1 comment:

jenny leigh said...

I LOVE the Haircut!!! :)