Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Eli

It's hard for me to believe you're already two. My baby is gone. He's been replaced by a little boy full of life.... of love.... of laughter. I love the way he says "Papa" and if not acknowledged, continually becomes more fervent until noticed. He's persistent.... in a good way. He likes to get his way and knows how to protest with the best of them when he doesn't. I love that when he gets really tickled, he puts his hand over his mouth and just laughs and laughs. I love that he loves Anna and is always concerned about her. Anytime she goes somewhere he's always saying "Sissy?" or to be correct "Tissy". And I love his new-found skill of now saying Mommy instead of Momma. I love that he still likes to be rocked and will let me cuddled with him - even if it is only at bedtime. I simply love him.

Happy Birthday Eli

Because of a crazy month, we had his party on the 6th . Here are some pictures from it. As you'll be able to tell, we had a football theme.

His football cake. Made by mommy, decorated by daddy.

The Birthday Boy

Blowing out his candle

The Kids' Table

Mmm, cake!

Sportin' his new cowboy hat from Papa

A picnic table (on top) and a basketball goal (on bottom)

Playing Peek-a-boo with Aunt Elaine at Chili's.

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