Sunday, March 29, 2009

Splish Splash

It's been raining a lot here lately. I guess the saying, April showers bring May flowers might have some merit to it.... only it's not yet April.

A few nights ago, Anna wanted to help unload groceries, even though it was raining. This is when we discovered she thought it was fun to get wet. Later that night we dressed her in her rain coat and rain boots and let her run around outside in the ran for several minutes. She loved it and getting her back inside was no easy task.

Here's my sweet Princess in her rain gear.

Jump Jump!

Her pants were soaked! Wish I would've taken a picture of all the water that was stored in her boots!

1 comment:

Karen Beaver said...

I love seeing the pictures of the kids. I can't beleive how big they are now either. They must be such joy for both of you!
Karen Beaver