Monday, October 20, 2008

Behind Again

Eli turned 16 mo. old today and I've yet to post about his 15 mo. check-up. So, here goes on catching up. He weighed in at 27 lbs. 4 oz and was 31 1/2" tall. He's still really big for his age, but is quite the healthy one too! He doesn't really talk - he'll say dada occasionally, but other than that, he just points and grunts. He's walking really well now and has recently discovered his own strength... to his delight and Anna's dismay. I warned her this day was coming - now she knows what I meant. :)

Here are a few pictures we took this weekend.

@ a free event for parents
Mark and Mark Jr. (haha)
my sweet Eli
my beautiful Anna
Can I say, cheese!!
Momma's boy - really....
Our family

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