Friday, September 05, 2008

Mess Makers

Instead of singing "Match maker, match maker, make me a match" it's more fitting to sing "Mess Makers, Mess Makers, Make me A Mess". It seems like here lately they've become quite an unstoppable team. They can each hold their own, but together, their creative geniuses blend into a whole other realm.

Eli's main messes deal with food - which is to be somewhat expected from a 14 mo. old. He now enjoys getting mouthfuls of milk and then opening his mouth and just letting it run out. My niece did the same, as did Anna. Is this something common I failed to learn about? He also enjoys throwing food in the floor, which I'm not sure how to deal with. I guess it too is a phase, as Anna also did this and eventually stopped. Twice now I've caught him playing in the toilet as well as indulging in the decadence of crayons. He refuses to let me feed him anything anymore, which also leads to more messes, as was the case in the following picture when we gave him a spoon and a bowl of banana pudding.

Clearly, he enjoyed it..

Anna has an ever increasing fascination with being pampered and prissy. She loves shoes, purses, lotion, having her toe nails painted, brushing her hair, and anything girly. Did I mention shoes and purses? Twice now she has ruined a tube of chapstick trying to put it on herself.... or eat it. She's also not only covered her baby doll in what she thought to be lotion (Cortisone cream) but also her brother as well. But her newest found affection is make-up.... my make-up. The make-up she knows is off limits. But she does it oh so well.

While watching TV last night, both the kiddos made a mad dash out of the living room. After a few minutes, we began wondering what they were up to. We snuck quietly to the little laughters bellowing from the kitchen and immediately began seeing small objects flying through the air at random. As seen below, they evidently thought it would be funny to help themselves to the refrigerator, eat grapes, and have a ball throwing them about the kitchen.

Note that both of them look like a little chipmunk with all the grapes stuffed in their mouths.

Surely we're not the only ones with mess makers. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Eli looks like Jason in that first pic.