Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bob, Larry, Chaos, and Terror

Word was out: Bob and Larry were going to be at the Grand Opening of Lifeway Christian Store. My friend and I arrived early which was pointless as there were so many people there you could barely walk through the aisles. Putting the kids in the stroller was not a good idea. I ended up taking them out of it, folding it up, and putting it up against the back wall..... then had muscle spasms from holding Eli for 45 minutes and periodically, both him and Anna.

Then there they were! Out came Bob and Larry. They took the divide and conquer approach and separated to different parts of the store. After kids going wild trying to touch, hug, kiss, and escape as fast as they could, I'm not sure how they were still standing... but they were. Anna briefly allowed one of my friends to hold her for a picture with Bob... then took off in a mad dash trying to escape as fast as she could....crawling beneath the crowd to do so.

By the time we left, I could barely feel my left arm, was pouring sweat, and shouldn't have even taken the time to fix my hair. But it was worth it. Here are a few pics from our adventure.

Waiting to leave to meet Bob and Larry.

Larry surrounded by the masses.
Bob bowing?? Not sure what he's doing.
Me, Eli, and Bob.
My friend, Tera, Anna, and Bob.
Larry, Eli, my friend Anita, and Kenzie - he's getting brave and touching him.

Now he's scared and reaching for me.

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