Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Giggle Box

Mark and I typically keep Eli with us during the morning services on Sunday. Amazingly, he's pretty quiet and still...for the most part. This past Sunday was the exception. We made it all the way through the invitation. Then three people were being baptized. Eli got tickled at something and started giggling, thus creating a wave of laughs throughout the whole front-mid section of the church. He continued to laugh, make funny noises, and evoke the same response out of several church members throughout all three baptisms. I'm not sure what was so funny, but clearly something tickled his funny bone.

He's progressed to being primarily on table food. He loves pancakes and shovels them in by the handfuls. Here are a few pictures of that.

Note: He keeps a whole handful in store in the hand he's not shoveling in.
Not quite skilled enough to not put his whole hand in his mouth.

Stay tuned for more updates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me Eli was expressing the joy of the Lord at the testimony be given!! Smile

Karen Beaver