Thursday, March 20, 2008


Eli went for his 9 mo. check up on Thursday. He weighed in at 24 lbs. 12 oz and was 29 1/2" long. He's in the 95th percentile for weight and in the 90th for height. So, he's actually slimming down. While he's not losing weight, he's not gaining it as rapidly. He's actually in the charts now - he used to be over the 100th percentile.

He's now crawling - like a little inch worm. Below is a video of it. It's hard to record him with Anna running around talking and yelling. So, please disregard the background noise.

Eli also outgrew his carseat and had to be upgraded to a bigger rear & forward facing carseat. Since he's not quite 1 yet, we initially put him in the rear facing position. Here is a picture of that.


After discovering that it doesn't secure very well in the rear facing position, we decided to go ahead and turn him around and let him face forward (Yes, we called to verify that this was okay - it's based on weight). So, here's a picture of that as well.

And here's a picture to show how much he loves the stuffed monkey Daddy got for him.

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