Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday, Eli

Happy Birthday to my favorite little boy. The little boy who no longer is a baby. The little boy who who loves trains, planes, trucks, and dinosaurs. My little boy who is now 3.

I love the way you think the movie is called Cocoahontas instead of Pocahontas.

I love your little laugh and your sweet smile.

I love how you love Puggles and insist that you're not moving up to Cubbies.

I love how you love your sister.

I love that you think that some day there can be a baby in your belly.

I love how your prayers are always "thank you for daddy's work, church, amen."

I love that you're all boy, that you'd rather go barefoot than wear shoes, and that getting dirty doesn't bother you.

I love how you only want mommy to put you to bed and how you insist on goodnight kisses before I leave - kisses on both cheeks, my nose, forehead, and chin.

I love the little quirks about you - like how you like a certain pillow and only want to sleep on it.... without a pillow case. How it bothers you when anyone touches your food or tries to steal a bite.

I love that you love life. That you wake up wanting to be left alone but somehow still crawl into bed with us and snuggle for awhile.

I love how when we ask you what you learned about at church, your first response is always "cheese balls!"

I simply love you.

Happy Birthday sweet Eli. Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy love you.
And now, pictures from his dinosaur birthday party.

His birthday cake we made (I cook it, make and dye the icing, and Mark decorates it).

All finished

Eli and his friends

The Birthday Boy

Patiently waiting to open presents

His big present - everyone was excited. Any guesses?
Of course - a dinosaur!

"Come here boy"

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