Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Anna - Part 1

Happy Birthday, Anna!

We love the way when you laugh, you light up the whole room.

We love how you love your brother, even when you have him in a headlock or are tattling on him.

We love how you're big brown eyes can melt our hearts and lift our spirits.

We love how you always ask for "green yogurt" and think it's a new day after you wake up from nap time.

We love how you're so matter of fact. When asked if you want to watch "Cowgirl Dora" you responded "That's not a cow!" How observant you are. She in fact was riding a horse.

We love how you love to tell the Bible stories you're learning.

We love how you see everything and then imitate it, like attempting to stand up to pee because "Eli did it".

We love how you love us and that we can barely get seated in the van without you saying "You haven't buckled up yet!".

We love your love for all things girl - dresses, shoes, purses, and of course, lip gloss.

We love that you love church, your friends, and your family.

We simply love you.

Happy Birthday, Anna - to the sweetest 4 year old we know.

These are pictures from our celebration at home. Pictures from her party to follow.

She LOVES to take pictures, so what better than a new camera?

Daddy showing her how it works.

Her new dress (for Easter)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a joy to see a little girl enjoying herself so much on her birthday. What a blessing to see parents that put so much love into their little girl.