Friday, July 11, 2008

Vacation Pics

We just got in from a small family vacation with Mark's parents, brother, and our niece (minus Eli - he stayed with my parents). We went to Branson for a few days, saw the new Noah's Ark Musical, and went to Silver Dollar City and the Branson Landing area twice... as well as a few other things (shopping, eating, put-put golf). Anna and Topanga even got to meet Bob and Larry from Veggie Tales. Mark's parents got there one night before us and left one night before us. They took Anna home with them so we could have one day by ourselves. It was the first time we were away from both kids at the same time. It was a good trip and I enjoyed getting away from it all for a little while. Here are a few pics (okay, so that may be a BIG understatement) from our trip.

Daddy and Anna at Silver Dollar City

Papa, Mamaw, Matt, Topanga, Anna, and Mark

Bob, Mark, Anna, Larry, and Topanga - Anna screamed at the top of her lungs not wanting to be near them.

Anna on the Lost River ride

Anna and Topanga (and me & Mamaw) riding the kiddy roller coaster. We're in the back left.

Lucky me - I got chosen to ride all the kiddy rides with Anna.

Mamaw was a chosen lucky one too!
I thoroughly enjoyed this one.... seriously, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Haha - Daddy liked it too!

Finally, one she could do by herself.

After the WaterBoggin - absolutely drenched... and my Brave lil Anna did it!

My beautiful Anna

Sweet Topanga

Anna dancing at BT Bones
Topanga sportin' her dance moves.

Daddy and Anna

Anna trying her hand at put-put.

Daddy having to help her.

The 'volcano' at the put-put place - the picture captured the flames looking like a skull.

All worn out - bedtime: midnight.

Silly Geese - at the Bass Pro Shop

At Branson Landing

Mark watching the fountains up close.

Can you guess who took most of the pictures?
The fountain did shows periodically. It even shoots fire!

The Sight & Sound Theater

Us before watching the Noah's Ark Musical

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