Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Eli

It's hard for me to believe that 12 months have already gone by. It seems just like yesterday that we were headed to the hospital to have you. You've made our lives brighter with your smile and dimples, happier with your laughs and giggles, and so much fuller than I ever could have expected. You and Anna are everything to us and bring us more joy than we can express.

Your first year has been full of fun, laughter, and lots of bite marks. But you've made it and we're so truly blessed.

Happy Birthday Eli, we love you.
-- Mommy, Daddy, and Anna

His birthday cake.

The Birthday Boy with a handful of icing.

Some of the guests.

His own cupcake.


As Anna said, "It's mine!"

Aunt Sarah with her nieces.

My niece, Rebekah.

Anna's buddy, Kaitlyn

Eli, Rebekah, & Anna saying bye to their Mema & Papa

Mamaw and Papa with Anna and Eli

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