Friday, December 28, 2007

2007 Christmas Pics

We had a wonderful Christmas this year - busy, but wonderful. It started out Satuday night, the 22nd when we had our Christmas here at the house. Sunday morning we went to church and watched the choir's Christmas musical. We left to go home afterwards. Monday morning we went to Mark's grandma's. That afternoon we went to my grandparents'. And we finished up the evening at my parents' place with the family tradition of reading the Christmas story from the Bible in front of the fireplace. Christmas day we spent with Mark's family. Needless to say, the kids were tired and cranky but seemed to enjoy their Christmas. Here are some pictures.

Eli and Anna's Christmas Picture
This face cracks me up!
Anna looking at the fish.
Eli trying to unwrap his present before Anna does.
Who knew a teething ring could be so much fun?
The Kiddos.
We're going to see Reba and Kelly!
Yeah new clothes!
Our Lil Present
Sweet Eli

Anna and Rebekah
Worn out from the days events.

Me with my mom, siblings, and our grandparents.

Anna opening her new recliner.

Too cute!

Eli's attempt at opening a present.

Anna's new kitchen.

At home with it put together (quite the task!!)

Anna in her new chair.

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