Thursday, October 11, 2007


Here are a few pictures (and a video) that I didn't know where to put, but thought were cute and wanted to share.

Just a cute picture.
This is how I found Eli one morning. Evidentally, Anna finds it amusing to untie the bumper strings. I now check nightly before I put him to bed.

Yes, I verified he was okay before I took pictures.

Bubba and Sissy

This is a video of Anna man handling Eli. She loves to hold him but he's too big for her to pick up, so she tries extra hard and a variety of methods. A few days ago while we were cooking dinner, she managed to get him out of the swing and drop him in the floor. He's now buckled in the swing or else has the tray put on it... DragonTales is playing in the background, so disregard the annoying voices. :o)

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