Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I just wanted to share a few milestones with you that Anna has met. Last night, she slept through the night! Quite amazing for a 6 1/2 week old! Mark fed her and put her to bed around 9:30. She didn't wake up until 5:00 this morning. Boy did I enjoy the sleep! Now I'm just anxious to see if this will start a pattern or if it was just a random occurrence.

Anna is also starting to learn that what she does matters. For example, when she's in her bouncy seat kicking and swinging her arms and legs and one of them hits the dangling toys, she stares at them like "Did I do that?" You can see the wheels a turnin' with her trying to figure out how those things just moved. It's quite amazing.

We'll keep you posted as more milestones occur. Sorry there aren't any pictures with this entry. However, I'm sure it'll be flooded with Easter pictures in a few days. Stay tuned.

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