Wednesday, April 05, 2006

All Smiles

Well, as you can see, she's finally starting to smile now - and it's not just gas. It's the absolute sweetet thing. I think she could be the next Gerber baby or Anne Geddes model. Maybe that's just the mommy in me talking. Hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoy seeing her smile.


Anonymous said...

She looks like the new Gerber baby to me too! She looks like a very happy baby.

Amanda Bishop

Anita said...

Isn't that the BEST when they smile at you for the first time! She is so cute! Anita

Anonymous said...

The girls at work and I look everyday to see what Anna Grace is doing. They told me to tell you that we think she is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

The girls at work and I check the blog each day to see what Anna Grace is doing. They told me to tell you that we think she is beautiful.

Misty Burgess

Anonymous said...

How precious! I want one!
