Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The day finally arrived yesterday. We had our 3:30 appointment to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. It was a very exciting event. Phoebe's name was finally called at 4 p.m. We arrived to the Ultrasound room with my mother and Phoebe's sister in-tow. Mom had the video camera ready to go.

One of the first pictures we saw was of his/her foot pressed on the screen. With all five toes. It was a great start. We were able to see all the fingers, arms, and a little stomach. It was neat to see the little heart beating away. The lady showed us all four chambers of the heart.

The baby is doing great. He/she is about 12 ounces and 7 inches long (head to rump). The Doctor told us that we were 5 days ahead of schedule (my trait: I am always early).

We got a great profile shot as well. (see below)

As you may fear also from the picture, he/she may have my nose sticking up.

Anyway back to the mystery of gender. The ultrasound lady worked for 45 minutes trying to find the little boy/girl signs. She searched high and low. Back and forth. By the time she was finished, the baby had his/her first spanking and Phoebe had a sore stomach and an extra trip to the restroom. We were hoping the baby would move around as Phoebe walked around.

Well the good news and the bad news. Good news first. We are having a very modest child. One that kept his/her legs crossed the whole time. Bad new: We don't know for sure if it's going to be Mr. Leslie or Ms. Leslie. The ultrasound lady said that in the quick glimpses that she did catch, she thinks she may be a girl. Quote: "Well I didn't see any of the boy parts that I needed to see." Final conclusion: She gave us an 80% chance of a girl and then scheduled another ultrasound for Nov. 3rd to verify.

Unofficially, Anna Grace is on her way.


Aaron said...

Hey guys! Congratulations, again. I know you're excited. Did I tell you that we found out we're expecting #4 in May?!!
Can't wait to see her(?).

Aaron & Anita

ps: you should activate the "Word Verification" feature on your "Comments" section for your blog, that way you won't get most of those spam comments.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are having a baby...the first one of us(AR, AC, Kat, and you). The way it should be.
Anna Grace is a perfect name. I hope that God still blesses you with a little girl. I can't wait until your shower in Jan.
Hope you are still feeling well!!!
Amanda Bishop